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Turfgrass Identification


Lesson Overview

Media: Microsoft® PowerPoint® Presentation (50 slides)

Seat Time: 4 Classes | 200 minutes teaching



To identify different warm- and cool-season turfgrass species.



This lesson discusses how to differentiate turfgrass species based on adaptation, stress tolerances, and morphological and anatomical differences.



1.    To define turfgrass terminology.

2.    To identify the characteristics of warm- and cool-season turfgrass species.

3.    To analyze the growth habit of warm- and cool-season turfgrass species.

4.    To understand the criteria for selecting certain turfgrass species.


Class 1

Class Overview:

Cool-Season Turfgrasses Microsoft® PowerPoint® Segment

Action Plan

Vocabulary Handout

Key Concepts

Qualitative Descriptions for Warm- & Cool-Season Turfgrass Student Handout


Essential Questions:

1.    What terminology is needed to identify turfgrasses?

2.    What is the criteria for selecting a turfgrass species?

3.    What characteristics are present in cool-season turfgrasses?

4.    How do cool-season grasses grow?


Step 1: Bell Ringer:

·         Students should write down all of their knowledge related to cool-season turfgrasses.

Step 2: Distribute the Action Plan, Vocabulary Handout and Key Concepts.

·         The Action Plan lays out a list of tasks for students to complete during the lesson.

·         The Vocabulary Handout is a list of terms used throughout the lesson.

·         The Key Concepts is an outline which identifies the main ideas presented in the lesson which students can fill in to aid in note taking during the lesson.

Step 3: Students should review the Qualitative Descriptions for Warm- & Cool-Season Turfgrass Student Handout.

·         This student handout describes the qualitative descriptions for turfgrass species relating to establishment rate, recuperative rate, wear tolerance, cold tolerance, drought tolerance, shade tolerance, salt tolerance, maintenance level and fertility requirement.

Step 4: Show slides 1 to 17 of the Cool-Season Turfgrasses PowerPoint® segment.

·         This portion of the segment is 17 slides long.

·         Be sure to utilize the Key Concepts for this segment of the lesson.

Step 5: Exit Ticket:

·         Divide students into groups of six. Give one sheet of paper to every group and instruct students to write one important concept from the lesson and then pass the paper to the next group member. Students should continue passing the paper until all students have written a concept. Review the answers and have students take notes to review and study.


Class 2

Class Overview:

Cool-Season Turfgrasses Microsoft® PowerPoint® Segment

Action Plan

Key Concepts

Cool-Season Turfgrasses Check for Understanding

Cool-Season Turfgrass Identification Flashcards Activity


Essential Questions:

1.    What terminology is needed to identify turfgrasses?

2.    What is the criteria for selecting a turfgrass species?

3.    What characteristics are present in cool-season turfgrasses?

4.    How do cool-season grasses grow?


Step 1: Bell Ringer:

·         Have students write at least one question they have about cool-season turfgrass identification and turn it in before the lesson begins.

Step 2: Show slides 18 to 28 of the Turfgrass Identification: Cool-Season Turfgrass PowerPoint® segment.

·         This portion of the segment is 11 slides long.

·         Be sure to utilize the Key Concepts for this segment of the lesson.

Step 3: Administer the Cool-Season Turfgrasses Check for Understanding.

·         The check for understanding is a short review of the content presented in the segment.

Step 4: Students should complete the Cool-Season Turfgrass Identification Flashcards Activity.

·         Students will create a set of cool-season turfgrass species flashcards by filling in the identification characteristics for each.

Step 5: Exit Ticket:

·         Read through students’ questions from the beginning of class and provide the answers.


Class 3

Class Overview:

Warm-Season Turfgrasses Microsoft® PowerPoint® Segment

Action Plan

Key Concepts

Warm-Season Turfgrasses Check for Understanding

Warm-Season Turfgrass Identification Game Show Activity


Essential Questions:

1.    What characteristics are present in warm-season turfgrasses?

2.    How do warm-season grasses grow?


Step 1: Bell Ringer:

·         Write characteristics of cool-season turfgrasses on the board for students to guess the species.

Step 2: Show the Warm-Season Turfgrasses PowerPoint® segment.

·         This segment is 22 slides long.

·         Be sure to utilize the Key Concepts for this segment of the lesson.

Step 3: Administer the Warm-Season Turfgrasses Check for Understanding.

·         The check for understanding is a short review of the content presented in the segment.

Step 4: Students should complete the Warm-Season Turfgrass Identification Game Show Activity.

·         Students will participate in a game show to demonstrate characteristic identification strategies related to warm-season turfgrass.

Step 5: Exit Ticket:

·         Ask students to show how confident they are in their knowledge on a scale from zero to five, with five as the most confident, and hold the number up. Address any confusion students may have.


Class 4

Class Overview:

Action Plan

Key Concepts

Turfgrass Identification Final Assessment

Turfgrass Social Media Profile Exit Ticket Activity


Step 1: Bell Ringer:

·         Have students find a partner and quiz each other over turfgrass identification characteristics for ten minutes to prepare for the assessment.

Step 2: Administer the Turfgrass Identification Final Assessment.

·         The assessment is a comprehensive assessment covering material throughout the entire lesson.

Step 3: Exit Ticket:

·         Students will complete and turn in the Turfgrass Social Media Profile Exit Ticket Activity.


Activity Overview

Cool-Season Turfgrass Identification Flashcards

Students will create a set of cool-season turfgrass species flashcards by filling in the identification characteristics for each. The activity aims to help students become more familiar with cool-season grasses and the characteristics which distinguish one species from another.



Allow students to work in small groups to complete the flashcards.



Provide students with the PowerPoint® slides which detail the cool-season turfgrass species identification characteristics.



Have students create a Jeopardy®-type game using the turfgrass species and characteristics and then play the game.



Warm-Season Turfgrass Identification Game Show

Students will participate in a game show to demonstrate identification characteristic strategies related to warm-season turfgrass. While in pairs, students will compete against their partner. A picture of a turfgrass species will appear on the board, and the first student to tap the table has to identify the turfgrass and list two identification characteristics. Examples are provided for you to use.



Allow students to refer to notes when answering.



List the species of warm-season grasses somewhere for the students to reference when identifying turfgrasses.



Include pictures of cool-season grasses for a more comprehensive game show.


Career & Technical Student Organizations


Turfgrass Management Specialist


Career Connections

Using the Career Connections Activity allows students to explore careers associated with this lesson by viewing career interviews with various industry professionals. The career interviews are located on the Select Playlist drop down menu on the lesson page. See the Career Connections Activity for more details.

Casey Carrick, Director of Athletic Grounds & Turf Management, University of North Carolina

Jalen Enrique, Assistant Sports Turf Manager, University of North Carolina

Ryan Anderson, Assistant Sports Turf Manager, University of North Carolina

Sammy Jermane, Assistant Sports Turf Manager, University of North Carolina

Daniel Sandor, Collegiate Assistant Professor of Turfgrass Science, Virginia Tech



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