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Agribusiness Systems: Overview


Lesson Overview

Media: Microsoft® PowerPoint® Presentation (32 slides)

Seat Time: 4 Classes | 200 minutes teaching



To understand trends and careers in the agribusiness systems pathway.



This lesson defines agribusiness and the subjects within the agribusiness industry. Students will learn about agribusiness by examining its role in agriculture. Agribusiness careers will be discussed, along with how to create an educational plan to meet the requirements to graduate and pursue a career.



1.    To define agribusiness.

2.    To analyze the role of agribusiness in agriculture.

3.    To identify education needed for a career in agribusiness.

4.    To identify employment and entrepreneurship in agribusiness.


Class 1

Class Overview:

Introduction Microsoft® PowerPoint® Segment

Action Plan

Vocabulary Handout

Key Concepts

Introduction Check for Understanding

Graphic Organizer Activity


Essential Questions:

1.    What is agribusiness?

2.    What is the role of agribusiness in agriculture?


Step 1: Bell Ringer:

·       Have students write down a definition of agribusiness in their own words.

Step 2: Distribute the Action Plan, Vocabulary Handout and Key Concepts.

·       The Action Plan lays out a list of tasks for students to complete during the lesson.

·       The Vocabulary Handout is a list of terms used throughout the lesson.

·       The Key Concepts is an outline which identifies the main ideas presented in the lesson which students can fill in to aid in note taking during the lesson.

Step 3: Show the Introduction PowerPoint® segment.

·       This segment is 16 slides long.

·       Be sure to utilize the Key Concepts for this segment of the lesson.

Step 4: Administer the Introduction Check for Understanding.

·       The check for understanding is a short review of the content presented in the segment.

Step 5: Students should complete the Graphic Organizer Activity.

·       Students will fill out the descriptions and examples for the various terms listed in the graphic organizer to better understand the terms involved in agribusiness.

Step 6: Exit Ticket:

·       Have students revise their definition of agribusiness from the beginning of class to fit what they have learned in the lesson.


Class 2

Class Overview:

Careers Microsoft® PowerPoint® Segment

Action Plan

Key Concepts

Education Plan Student Handout

Careers Check for Understanding

Agribusiness Industry & Career Poster Project


Essential Questions:

1.    What education is needed for a career in agribusiness?

2.    What are the employment and entrepreneurship opportunities in agribusiness?


Step 1: Bell Ringer:

·       Have students form pairs and share why they think agribusiness is an important sector of agriculture.

Step 2: Show the Careers PowerPoint® segment.

·       This segment is 16 slides long.

·       Be sure to utilize the Key Concepts for this segment of the lesson.

Step 3: Students should review the Education Plan Student Handout.

·       The handout provides information regarding education and career development steps to align to a career path.

Step 4: Administer the Careers Check for Understanding.

·       The check for understanding is a short review of the content presented in the segment.

Step 5: Students should begin the Agribusiness Industry & Career Poster Project.

·       Students will collaborate with a partner to create a poster which provides an overview of agribusiness and highlights an agribusiness career.

Step 6: Exit Ticket:

·       Have students review the Agribusiness Industry & Career Poster Project rubric to understand the project requirements.


Class 3

Class Overview:

Action Plan

Agribusiness Industry & Career Poster Project


Step 1: Students should continue the Agribusiness Industry & Career Poster Project.

·       Students will collaborate with a partner to create a poster which provides an overview of agribusiness and highlights an agribusiness career.

Step 2: Exit Ticket

·       Have students show their progress for the Agribusiness Industry & Career Poster Project.


Class 4

Class Overview:

Action Plan

Agribusiness Systems: Overview Final Assessment

Agribusiness Industry & Career Poster Project


Step 1: Bell Ringer:

·       Have students review their notes to prepare for the assessment.

Step 2: Administer the Agribusiness Systems: Overview Final Assessment.

·       The assessment is a comprehensive assessment covering material throughout the entire lesson.

Step 3: Students should complete the Agribusiness Industry & Career Poster Project.

·       Students will collaborate with a partner to create a poster which provides an overview of agribusiness and highlights an agribusiness career.  

Step 4: Exit Ticket:

·       Have students turn in the Agribusiness Industry & Career Poster Project.


Activity Overview

Graphic Organizer

Students will fill out the descriptions and examples for the various terms listed in the graphic organizer to better understand the terms involved in agribusiness.



Allow students more time to complete the activity.



Fill out the descriptions column so students are only required to provide the examples.



Have students fill out the graphic organizer and then use outside resources to find specific company names to put in the examples column.


Project Overview

Agribusiness Career & Industry Poster

Students will collaborate with a partner to create a poster which provides an overview of agribusiness and highlights an agribusiness career.


Supplies List:


Writing utensils



Allow students more time to create their posters.



Allow students to work with a partner.



Have students identify an individual who is a professional in their career from their poster, and then have them conduct an interview with them.


Career & Technical Student Organizations


Agricultural Sales

Farm & Agribusiness Management

Marketing Plan


Career Connections

Using the Career Connections Activity allows students to explore careers associated with this lesson by viewing career interviews with various industry professionals. The career interviews are located on the Select Playlist drop down menu on the lesson page. See the Career Connections Activity for more details.

Eduardo Segarra, Ph.D., Professor and Chairman, Agricultural and Applied Economics, Texas Tech University

Jon Scholl, President, American Farmland Trust

Kyle Perry, Director, Leadership Development, American Farm Bureau Federation

Laura Barringer, Senior Associate, Global Harvest Initiative, John Deere

Tanya Bishop, Assistant Vice President & Marketing Director, First AG Credit

Beth Bechdol, Director of Agribusiness Strategies, Ice Miller, LLP

Colin Woodall, Vice President of Government Affairs, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association

Greg Grupe, Farm Manager, Betteravia Farms

James Rietkerk, Ranch Manager

Lee Loveless, Business & Cooperative Specialist, USDA Rural Development



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