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Agribusiness Industry & Career Poster


Project Overview:

You will collaborate with a partner to create a poster which provides an overview of agribusiness and highlights an agribusiness career.



1.    Your instructor will divide the class into pairs.


2.    With your partner, choose one career in agribusiness which interests you. Examples include, but are not limited to:

·      Agricultural loan officer

·      Agricultural commodity broker

·      Agricultural economist

·      Livestock buyer or seller

·      Farm or ranch manager

·      Agricultural salesperson

·      Communications director


3.    Create a poster providing details about the agribusiness industry and your chosen career by hand or using design software. This poster should be easy to read and visually engaging. Ensure to cite all sources used and to include the following:

·      Graphics and images

·      Definition of agribusiness

·      Importance of agribusiness

·      Job title

·      Job description

·      Necessary education

·      Job outlook

·      Salary

·      Location


4.    Once completed, turn in your poster according to your instructor’s directions.




Possible Points

Your Score

Research & Organization:

·      Proper research was conducted to complete the assignment

·      Sources were cited appropriately based on instructions provided

·      Information was presented in a logical organized manner



Concept & Understanding:

·      Understanding of the concept is clearly evident

·      Effective strategies were used to achieve the end product

·      Logical thinking was utilized to arrive at the conclusion




·      End product is unique and reflects the student’s or group’s individuality

·      End product is clearly high quality




·      Class time provided for the project was used efficiently

·      Time and effort are evident in the execution of the end product



 Total Points





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