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School Improvement


Project Overview:

You have been tasked with utilizing the design process to plan and develop a prototype which will enhance the fluidity of your school day.



1.    Your instructor will divide the class into groups of two to three.


2. In your group, think about the issues which cause you a problem during your school day and use the design process to create a solution for the problem. Problems may include:

·       Lockers

·        Passing periods

·       School materials

·        Seating arrangements

·       Time management


3. Use the information provided as you work through the design process to plan and develop a prototype which will enhance the fluidity of your school day.


4. Submit the final documents according to your instructor's direction.


Step 1: Define the Problem

·       What is the problem you are trying to solve?







Step 2: Do Research

Answer the following questions by completing research.

·       Provide at least three websites used to complete your research.




·       What constraints or problems exist when developing a solution to the problem








 Step 3: Imagine Solutions

Based on your research, develop a list of possible solutions.

·       Draw or write out possible solutions.








Step 4: Prototype a Solution

Using your own tools and resources create an example of your solution.

·       Describe the process of developing your prototype. Add a link to or an image of your initial design.







Step 5: Test the Prototype

Test the prototype and evaluate the outcomes:

Test One Results:








Test Two Results:







Step 6: Evaluate the results

·       Describe what you changed to improve your solution:










Possible Points

Your Score

Research & Organization:

·       Proper research was conducted to complete the assignment

·       Sources were cited appropriately based on instructions provided

·       Information was presented in a logical organized manner



Concept & Understanding:

·       Understanding of the concept is clearly evident

·       Effective strategies were used to achieve the end product

·       Logical thinking was utilized to arrive at the conclusion




·       End product is unique and reflects the student’s or group’s individuality

·       End product is clearly high quality




·       Class time provided for the project was used efficiently

·       Time and effort are evident in the execution of the end product



 Total Points





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