Fundamentals of Animal Body Systems: Digestive
Lesson Overview
Media: Video (40 minutes)
Seat Time: 5 Classes | 250 minutes teaching
To understand the structures and functions of the digestive system.
This lesson explains the main functions and purposes of the digestive system in livestock animals. The lesson discusses the digestion processes of ruminant, monogastric and modified ruminant digestive tracts and the components associated with each.
1. To describe the main functions of the digestive system.
2. To identify the components of each digestive tract.
3. To analyze the process of digestion.
Class 1
Class Overview:
Monogastric Video Segment
Action Plan
Key Concepts
Vocabulary Handout
Monogastric Check for Understanding
Digestive System Menu Board Project
Essential Questions:
1. What are the components of the digestive tract of the monogastric system?
2. How does poultry digestion differ from other digestion?
Step 1: Bell Ringer:
· Have students share two or three questions they may have about digestive systems.
Step 2: Distribute the Action Plan, Vocabulary Handout and Key Concepts.
· The Action Plan lays out a list of tasks for students to complete during the lesson.
· The Vocabulary Handout is a list of terms used throughout the lesson.
· The Key Concepts is an outline which identifies the main ideas presented in the lesson which students can fill in to aid in note taking during the lesson.
Step 3: Show the Monogastric video segment.
· This video is 15 minutes long.
· Be sure to utilize the Key Concepts for this segment of the lesson.
Step 4: Administer the Monogastric Check for Understanding.
· The check for understanding is a short review of the content presented in the segment.
Step 5: Students should begin the Digestive System Menu Board Project.
· Students will complete the designated items within the menu board to learn more about the components of livestock digestive systems.
Step 6: Exit Ticket:
· Students should discuss the difference between swine and poultry digestive systems.
Class 2
Class Overview:
Ruminant Part 1 Video Segment
Action Plan
Key Concepts
Ruminant Part 1 Check for Understanding
Digestive System Menu Board Project
Essential Questions:
1. What processes are involved in digestion?
2. What is the function of the esophagus?
3. What is the function of the rumen?
Step 1: Bell Ringer:
· Have students discuss how they believe a cow’s digestive system may be different from a pig’s digestive system.
Step 2: Show the Ruminant Part 1 video segment.
· This video is 11 minutes long.
· Be sure to utilize the Key Concepts for this segment of the lesson.
Step 3: Administer the Ruminant Part 1 Check for Understanding.
· The check for understanding is a short review of the content presented in the segment.
Step 4: Students should continue the Digestive System Menu Board Project.
· Students will complete the designated items within the menu board to learn more about the components of livestock digestive systems.
Step 5: Exit Ticket:
· Students should provide an update on the progress of their project.
Class 3
Class Overview:
Ruminant Part 2 Video Segment
Action Plan
Key Concepts
Ruminant Part 2 Check for Understanding
Digestive System Menu Board Project
Essential Questions:
1. How do the components of the ruminant stomach differ from each other?
2. What is the function of the small and large intestines?
Step 1: Bell Ringer:
· Have students discuss the purpose of microbes within the ruminant stomach and how they aid in digestion.
Step 2: Show the Ruminant Part 2 video segment.
· This video is nine minutes long.
· Be sure to utilize the Key Concepts for this segment of the lesson.
Step 3: Administer the Ruminant Part 2 Check for Understanding.
· The check for understanding is a short review of the content presented in the segment.
Step 4: Students should continue the Digestive System Menu Board Project.
· Students will complete the designated items within the menu board to learn more about the components of livestock digestive systems.
Step 5: Exit Ticket:
· Have students discuss the internal structure of each stomach and how the textures and structures aid in digestion.
Class 4
Class Overview:
Modified Ruminants Video Segment
Action Plan
Key Concepts
Modified Ruminants Check for Understanding
Digestive System Menu Board Project
Essential Questions:
1. What are the components of the digestive tract of the modified ruminant system?
Step 1: Bell Ringer:
· Have students discuss what they believe the differences between the ruminant and modified ruminant stomach may be.
Step 2: Show the Modified Ruminant video segment.
· This video is five minutes long.
· Be sure to utilize the Key Concepts for this segment of the lesson.
Step 3: Administer the Modified Ruminant Check for Understanding.
· The check for understanding is a short review of the content presented in the segment.
Step 4: Students should continue the Digestive System Menu Board Project.
· Students will complete the designated items within the menu board to learn more about the components of livestock digestive systems.
Step 5: Exit Ticket:
· As a review, have students write questions down and turn them in. Mix the questions up and answer any questions the students may have. Allow students to also answer the questions and help facilitate a class discussion.
Class 5
Class Overview:
Action Plan
Fundamentals of Animal Body Systems: Digestive Final Assessment
Digestive System Menu Board Project
Step 1: Bell Ringer:
· Answer any remaining questions the students had from the end of the previous class. Allow students to also answer the questions and help facilitate a class discussion.
Step 2: Administer the Fundamentals of Animal Body Systems Final Assessment.
· The assessment is a comprehensive assessment covering material throughout the entire lesson.
Step 3: Students should complete the Digestive System Menu Board Project.
· Students will complete the designated items within the menu board to learn more about the components of livestock digestive systems.
Step 4: Exit Ticket:
· Students should write one fact about livestock digestive systems they would share with someone who does not have knowledge of animal body systems.
Project Overview
Digestive System Menu Board
Students will complete the designated items within the menu board to learn more about the components of livestock digestive systems. They will complete all of the prompts in the appetizers section, one prompt in the entrée section, and two prompts in the side dish section. Students will also have the option to complete the prompts in the dessert section if the other required components are completed early. This project allows students to learn a variety of things about the digestive system and choose how they plan to complete the project.
The tasks may be chosen for the students to complete.
Students may receive assistance on one of the side dish components from the instructor.
Students may complete extra components of the menu board.
Career & Technical Student Organizations
Dairy Cattle Management and Evaluation
Horse Evaluation
Livestock Evaluation
Poultry Evaluation
Veterinary Science