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Career Challenge: Stock Market Challenge



Media: Video (1 minute)


This lesson challenges students to trade and invest in the stock market to gain the maximum income over a week-long period. Students will be using a stock market simulation to practice investing without the risks associated with using real money. This project provides an opportunity to learn about investing, analyze market trends, and make informed decisions based on real-time market data. 


All materials are open-ended to allow flexibility to fit classroom needs. Students will explore concepts related to the stock market and buy, sell and trade to gain the most income.



1.    To understand the basic concepts of investing in the stock market.

2.    To research and select stocks and companies to create a virtual investment portfolio.

3.    To track the performance of their investments and make informed decisions based on market trends and news.

4.    To reflect on their investment strategy and analyze their performance in the simulation game.

Instructors can determine the best length of time for the project based on the student’s abilities and available class time.


Project Scope & Sequence

Introduction to the Challenge

Class Overview:

The introduction should be one class period. Students will review the expectations of the challenge.


Step 1: Bell Ringer:

·         Display the prompt: "What comes to mind when you think about the stock market? Share your thoughts with a partner and be prepared to share one idea with the class."

·         Engage students in a brief discussion, allowing them to share their responses.

Step 2: Show the Career Challenge: Stock Market Challenge video segment.

·         This video is one minute long.

Step 3: Provide students with the Career Challenge: Stock Market Challenge Project.

·         Students have been challenged to trade and invest in the stock market to gain the maximum income over a week-long period.

·         Read aloud the directions and provide any additional requirements you have for the project.

Step 4: Allow students to ask any questions about the project.

Step 5: Provide students with due dates to enter for each section of the project.

Step 6: Exit Ticket:

·         Students should explore the stock market-related concepts by defining the vocabulary.

·         Students should research different stock companies and complete the Preliminary Research & Development portion of the project.


Complete the Portfolio

Step 1: Bell Ringer:

·         Display the prompt: “Imagine you have $10,000 to invest in the stock market. How would you approach investing this money? Discuss with a partner and share one investment idea you would consider."

·         Encourage students to consider their investment goals, risk tolerance and any initial ideas they have about specific companies or industries.

·         After the discussion, ask for a few volunteers to share one investment idea they would consider and briefly explain their reasoning.

Step 2: Students should complete the Portfolio Development portion of the project.

Step 3: Exit Ticket:

·         Students should provide a progress update on the Portfolio Development portion of the project.


Presentation Development

Step 1: Bell Ringer:

·         Display the prompt: "Imagine you have a stock market portfolio with different investments. What factors would you consider when evaluating the performance of your portfolio? Discuss with a partner and be prepared to share one factor with the class."

·         Encourage students to think about various factors which can impact the performance of a stock market portfolio, such as diversification, individual stock performance, market trends, and economic indicators.

Step 2: Students should complete the Presentation Development portion of the project.

Step 3: Exit Ticket:

·         Students should provide a progress update on the Presentation Development portion of the project.


 Evaluation & Reflection

Step 1: Bell Ringer:

·         Display the prompt: "If you were to engage in trading stocks, what factors or information would you consider before making a trade? Discuss with a partner and be prepared to share one factor with the class."

Step 2: Students should complete the Evaluate & Reflect portion of the project.

Step 3: Exit Ticket:

·         Students should submit all components of their project.


Accommodations, Modifications & Extensions


Increase the frequency of instructor check-ins. Provide sentence starters for the Bell Ringer prompts.



Provide students with an outline shell to assist in organizing thoughts. Provide students assistance with the Portfolio Development portion of the lesson.



Ask students to develop and present their own trading strategies based on their research and analysis. Have them explain the rationale behind their strategies, including factors such as technical analysis, fundamental analysis or event-based trading. Encourage students to track the performance of their strategies throughout the simulation and reflect on their effectiveness.



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