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Real-Life Entrepreneur Interview


Project Overview:

You will work with a partner to research the real-life experiences of an entrepreneur and write a report with your findings.



1.    Your instructor will divide the class into groups of two.


2.    Identify an entrepreneur in your partner's family, school or community. Develop a plan to contact the entrepreneur to set up an interview time and place.


3.    Use the following questions while interviewing the entrepreneur:

·      What route did you take to entrepreneurship

·      What type of business ownership did you seek out

·      What is your company’s purpose or mission

·      Where are you in the business cycle: startup, growth or mature

·      What do you think are the risks and benefits of being an entrepreneur

·      What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of being an entrepreneur

·      Four of your own creative questions


4.    Interview the entrepreneur.


5.    Work with your partner to write a report on a separate sheet of paper using the answers to the interview questions and other available resources. The following should be included in your report:

·      Your position on what has made the entrepreneur successful

·      A description and explanation of the purpose or mission of the entrepreneur’s company

·      A description and detailed explanation of where the business is currently in the business cycle, why and what is next for the business

·      Your assessment of the risks taken and benefits enjoyed by the entrepreneur

·      Comparison of the advantages and disadvantages the entrepreneur has experienced


6.    Edit your research paper and include a citation sheet listing all resources used.


7.    Once completed, turn in your project according to your instructor’s directions.




Possible Points

Your Score

Research & Organization:

·      Proper interview and research were conducted to complete the assignment

·      Sources were cited appropriately based on instructions provided

·      Information was presented in a logical, organized manner



Concept & Understanding:

·      Understanding of the concept is clearly evident

·      Effective strategies were used to achieve the end product

·      Logical thinking was utilized to arrive at the assessments of the entrepreneur’s business




·      End product is unique and reflects the group’s individuality

·      End product is clearly high-quality




·      Class time provided for the project was used efficiently

·      Time and effort are evident in the execution of the end product



 Total Points





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