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Video Camera Comparison


Activity Overview:

You will consider the differences among various video cameras and identify the potential uses for each.



1.    Carefully review each image of a camera displayed below and consider their use or uses.


2.    In the second column, Camera Name, identify the name of the type of camera shown.


3.    In the third column, Unique Features, identify any unique features of the type of camera shown.


4.    Fill out the fourth column, Camera Uses, with possible uses for the specific type of camera.


5.    Once completed, turn in your activity according to your instructor’s directions.



Camera Name

Unique Features

Camera Uses

Hand-held camera with a large lens attached.




A large studio digital video camera on tripod isolated over white background




Small, hand-held camera with a display screen which flips out.




Small, palm-sized camera with a fixed lens.




Close up of the camera lens on the back of a cell phone.






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