A/V Equipment Basics: Video
Lesson Overview
Media: Video (17 minutes)
Seat Time: 6 classes | 300 minutes teaching
To demonstrate the precise operation of video recording equipment used in A/V production.
This lesson introduces students to common video camera components, types of video cameras and standard operation of digital video cameras. Students will explore common universal camera parts and compare different types of video cameras. Additionally, students learn best practices for recording digital video.
1. To differentiate between the operational components of a video camera.
2. To compare various types of video cameras.
3. To operate video recording devices for recording and playback.
Class 1
Class Overview:
Camera Components Video Segment
Action Plan
Vocabulary Handout
Key Concepts
Video Camera Explorers Activity
Essential Questions:
1. What are the different operational components of a video camera?
2. How do camera settings and adjustments influence the quality and visual impact of video recordings?
Step 1: Bell Ringer:
· Display a still image of a video camera on the board. Ask students to work together to identify the function of as many components as possible.
Step 2: Distribute the Action Plan, Vocabulary Handout and Key Concepts.
· The Action Plan lays out a list of tasks for students to complete during the lesson.
· The Vocabulary Handout is a list of terms used throughout the lesson.
· The Key Concepts is an outline which identifies the main ideas presented in the lesson which students can fill in to aid in note taking during the lesson.
Step 3: Show the Camera Components video segment.
· This video is seven minutes long.
· Be sure to utilize the Key Concepts for this segment of the lesson.
Step 4: Students should begin the Video Camera Explorers Activity.
· Students will work with a partner to explore the components of a video camera to become familiar with it.
Step 5: Exit Ticket:
· Have a camera on a tripod as students walk out of the classroom. As students leave, they will point at a camera component and name it.
Class 2
Class Overview:
Action Plan
Video Camera Explorers Activity
Camera Components Check for Understanding
Step 1: Bell Ringer:
· With the class, review key components and controls on a classroom video camera.
Step 2: Students should complete the Video Camera Explorers Activity.
· Students will work with a partner to explore the components of a video camera to become familiar with it.
Step 3: Administer the Camera Components Check for Understanding.
· The check for understanding is a short review of the content presented in the segment.
Step 4: Exit Ticket:
· Students will turn in the Video Camera Explorers Activity.
Class 3
Class Overview:
Camera Types Video Segment
Action Plan
Key Concepts
Camera Types Check for Understanding
Video Camera Comparison Activity
Essential Questions:
1. How do different types of video cameras vary in features, capabilities and suitability for various video production tasks?
2. Which factors should be considered when selecting the most appropriate camera for a project?
Step 1: Bell Ringer:
· Show students the various types of video cameras available for them to use in the classroom. Ask them to identify what type of camera each might be.
Step 2: Show the Camera Types video segment.
· This video is six minutes long.
· Be sure to utilize the Key Concepts for this segment of the lesson.
Step 3: Administer the Camera Types Check for Understanding.
· The check for understanding is a short review of the content presented in the segment.
Step 4: Students should complete the Video Camera Comparison Activity.
· Students will consider the differences among various video cameras and identify the potential uses for each.
Step 5: Exit Ticket:
· Have students turn in their Video Camera Comparison Activity.
Class 4
Class Overview:
Camera Operation Video Segment
Action Plan
Key Concepts
Camera Operation Check for Understanding
Settings Analysis Project
Essential Questions:
1. What are the best practices for operating a video camera to ensure uninterrupted recording sessions?
Step 1: Bell Ringer:
· Instruct students to list step-by-step instructions for how to set up a camera shot, based on their knowledge of the operational parts and features. Encourage them to think about how each part functions.
· Ensure students save this list until the end of class.
Step 2: Show the Camera Operation video segment.
· This video is five minutes long.
· Be sure to utilize the Key Concepts for this segment of the lesson.
Step 3: Administer the Camera Operation Check for Understanding.
· The check for understanding is a short review of the content presented in the segment.
Step 4: Students should begin the Setting Analysis Project.
· You will work with a partner to practice recording and adjusting various settings on a video camera to understand how they impact video quality.
· In this class, students should review the directions for the project and familiarize themselves with their camera, so they know how to change the settings on the specific camera.
Step 5: Exit Ticket:
· Have students revisit their instructions from the beginning of class and revise their step-by-step instructions based on the knowledge gained today. Instruct them to turn in their list before leaving class.
Class 5
Class Overview:
Action Plan
Setting Analysis Project
Step 1: Bell Ringer:
· Students should follow classroom procedures to obtain their cameras.
Step 2: Students should continue the Setting Analysis Project.
· You will work with a partner to practice recording and adjusting various settings on a video camera to understand how they impact video quality.
· In this class, students should obtain the footage needed for the project.
Step 3: Exit Ticket:
· Have students ask questions related to operating their camera and facilitate a class discussion to answer the questions.
Class 6
Class Overview:
Action Plan
A/V Equipment Basics: Video Final Assessment
Setting Analysis Project
Step 1: Bell Ringer:
· Quick Write: Students should respond to the following prompt in four to six sentences:
- How do you think video camera operation differs across settings? For example, consider filming for a documentary versus a comedy movie.
Step 2: Students should complete the Setting Analysis Project.
· You will work with a partner to practice recording and adjusting various settings on a video camera to understand how they impact video quality.
· In this class, students should complete their analysis of the video clips they recorded.
Step 3: Administer the A/V Equipment Basics: Video Final Assessment.
· The assessment is a comprehensive assessment covering material throughout the entire lesson.
Step 4: Exit Ticket:
· Before leaving class, students should write and submit one new piece of information they learned about video recording.
Activity Overview
Video Camera Explorers
Students will familiarize themselves with the components of a video camera by labeling key parts. This activity allows students to become familiar with the key components they will use in future projects.
Supplies List:
Video camera
Sticky notes or labels
Provide students with a camera manual to reference.
Provide students with a labeled diagram of the camera. They will pick three parts to explain their purpose.
Students can write one to two sentences about each component, identifying its importance.
Video Camera Comparison
Students will look at various images of cameras and identify the type of camera, its unique features and common uses. This activity enables students to make informed choices when selecting the right equipment for specific video production needs.
Provide access to the internet to research camera features.
Allow students to work in pairs.
Provide students with a version of the activity where the camera name and unique features are completed.
Have students research different brands of camera manufacturers of the same camera type and determine their contrasting features; for example, a Canon® DSLR versus a Nikon® DSLR.
Project Overview
Settings Analysis
Students will work with a partner to record a series of footage with different settings. Before having students record, it may be beneficial to show them the specific camera’s menu so they are familiar with how to navigate it. Throughout the recorded clips, students will adjust resolution, frame rate, focus, zoom, shutter speed, aperture and ISO. After filming, students will need to upload their footage to a computer to view. This project allows students to practice basic video recording operations.
Supplies List:
Video camera and related battery
Memory card
Record a short video of how to change each setting on the specific camera students are using for them to reference.
Provide students with a set of video clips labeled with the settings changes to analyze.
Students will plan, record and arrange their shots to tell a cohesive story.
Career Connections
Using the Career Connections Activity allows students to explore careers associated with this lesson by viewing career interviews with various industry professionals. The career interviews are located on the Select Playlist drop-down menu on the lesson page. See the Career Connections Activity for more details.
Trenton Gary, Audio/Video Engineer, Motion Picture Enterprises